Murder by Injection- History if the Drug Trust, the AMA, Health Insurance and more.
Drugs were called wonder drugs because people would wonder what was going to happen to them if they took them and miracle drugs because...
National: Memorial to Vaccine Victims + Moratorium on Vaccination
Aug 22, 2015 — Join me in NYC 9/3 at 3pm at City Hall in NYC (reading the names of the fallen) and in Washington, DC 10/11 on the Mall...
Lethal Injection The Story Of Vaccination. (español), traducido por te ofrece en castellano este magnifico trabajo de Clint Richardson del movimiento "We Are The Change Utah",...

Scientist Speaks on Senate Bill 277 Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD Neural Dynamics Research Group,...

Science of Vaccines - look for vaccine inserts at this...
Toni Bark - Unvaccinated Patients
"What I notice is that children who come to me from other practices where they've been fully vaccinated often are--well they are the kids...
HPV - Gardasil
Shoenfeld, arguably the world’s foremost expert on autoimmune disorders, shocked the audience of the III Colombian Symposium on...
Chicken Pox, VzV, Varivax, Shingles, Herpes Zoster
5 Year old Girl Contracts Shingles after Chickenpox Vaccination

Flu Shot and a natural alternative
Flu Shot Causing Fetal Deaths Next video: Flu Shot Linked to Sleeping Disorder
Stool microbiota and vaccine responses of infants. Abstract Pediatrics. 2014 Aug;134(2):e362-72. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-3937. Epub 2014 Jul 7....