AntiCorruption Society - Forms needed to NOT Play the Vaccine Game.

Christin Swanson
August 18 at 10:11pm · Edited
YESSS! i finally found a form that I can give to schools and doctors that should legally exempt us from vaccines... hopefully. go here scroll down to this part "Download the Lawfully Yours guide (Seventh Edition) here (pdf)" and then scroll down to page 30. Copy. paste and edit.. the address of your state health dept registered as a business can be found here - I think this is one I can actually give to the doctor or school. Bwahahahaaa!
Lawfully Yours
October 18, 2014
by AL Whitney © copyround 2014 Permission is granted for redistribution if linked to original and the AntiCorruption Society is acknowledged
Lawfully Yours is a people’s empowerment guide to our corporate-commercial legal system. It contains invaluable information for all Americans.
Since the founding of our country, the ‘elite’ (and their robber baron partners) have fabricated our history, taken control of our economy and altered our form of government and legal system. The whole rather sordid tale is brilliantly exposed in Judge Dale’s The Great American Adventure – Secrets of America.
The Lawfully Yours guide contains material authored by Judge Dale, retired, and others – and strategies for dealing with the commercial nature of our corporate governments. From Judge Dale, retired:
“The Federal and State Governments are not real. They are privately owned corporations [listed on Dun and Bradstreet] called governments . . . and the law is nothing more than their corporate regulations called statutes.”
Examples of the US Corporation and state and local sub-corporations:
As Judge Dale exposes, the private BAR attorneys have been indoctrinated into believing that we have a lawful system of justice, which we do not. Their job today is to prevent the American people from understanding our reality and to keep us all locked into the legal system BAR attorneys created and were trained to implement. Our current ‘legal system’ is a fraud and it works to their benefit and to our detriment. This truth was confirmed by Karen Hudes, former World Bank Attorney, during an interview. [World Bank Attorney exposes the bankers and the BAR] Ms Hudes correctly stated that:
“I don’t want to believe that all of these lawyers and the American Bar Association are pulling a fast one on everybody like this, but I have no choice – that’s the way it is. If that’s the way it is, I’d rather admit that’s the way it is than sit there being a dupe.”
“. . . the ABA [American Bar Association] has lost all total credibility and they should apologize to the American people for what it is they have been doing. And they should disband!”
Both our government and our courts are playing Chess, while telling the people the game is Checkers. If We the People wish to restore our unalienable birth rights, we need to learn to play Chess. The Lawfully Yours guide is one of many tools that independent researchers have put together to help the American people learn how not to consent to their own fleecing and/or enslavement.
Here is the Table of Contents of this guide:
SECTION 1- Introduction Supreme Court Decisions that Expose the Scam Overview SECTION 2 – The Legal Process, by Judge Dale, retired THE COURTS CRIMINAL LAW CITATIONS SUMMONS AND LAWSUITS DIVORCE FORECLOSURE SECTION 3 – How to Defeat Admiralty Courts and “The Law of the See” SECTION 4 – Lawful Strategies Strategy a – Clarify Strategy b – Inquire Strategy c – Give Notice SECTION 5 – Sample Questionnaires, Letters, & Notices Sample I: Letter of Inquiry Sample II: Corporate-government employee questionnaire Sample III: Letter of Debt Validation Vaccination Notice of Non-consent for Physicians and Schools Sample IV: Vaccination Notice Sample Letter for School Superintendent Vaccination Notice of Non-consent for Employers and Colleges Sample V (a): Employee/student Vaccination Notice (a) Sample V (b): Employee/student Vaccination Notice (b) Smart Meter Notice of Non-consent Sample Smart Meter Letter of non-consent Sample VI: Smart Meter Notice Pocket Card Notices of Non-consent Sample VII: Pocket Card Notice of Non-consent Forced vaccinations or quarantine Sample VIII: Pocket Card Notice of Non-consent re: Forced Vaccinations or Quarantine Child Protective Services Notice of Non-consent Sample Letter CPS Sample IX: Notice to County Child Services List of available templates References – Endnotes APPENDIX A – Clearfield Doctrine APPENDIX B – Bond vs UNITED STATES APPENDIX C – Twelve Presumptions of the Court APPENDIX D – What is a Contract APPENDIX E – Properties of an Affidavit APPENDIX F – Citations and Summons
Download the Lawfully Yours guide (Seventh Edition) here (pdf)
Download Word doc templates here (updated 8-2015)
Download the 4 x 6 pocket card notices here
Spiral bound copies of the Lawfully Yours guide are available here
This info is free, just as Judge Dale’s info was free. There are those that generate income from other solutions or non-solutions that will likely oppose this guide. Unfortunately too many people have been programmed to think that if something is free it has no value. Isn’t that sad?
Corporations Cannot be Sovereign Governments
The UCC and You