Vaccine SHEDDING - spreading the diseases they are meant to prevent.

Who voted YES to Mandated Vaccines in CA? Make sure they pay big time.
Dr. Peter Glidden | Why You Should Fire Your MD Now
I absolutely agree 1,000%
Blackmail and the Medical Vaccine Exemption
Robin Goffe is Bloody Awesome. Watch this for multiple reasons.
Anyone who has had any vaccinations should watch this video for sure. It will help you determine possible reasons why you may have...

Possible Help for Autism
Parafree is also awesome for Parasite removal. Watch this video also about kids getting cured of autism - Dr. Andreas Kalcker...
Pure Politics - Impure Science
Please watch entire video Donald Rumsfeld the evil created swine flu to help George Herbert Walker BUSH and aspartame which he got to be...

SB277 Referendum

Things Doctors Considered Safe - But were Dead Wrong
Take for instance the Live Polio Oral Vaccine: "The Oral Polio Vaccines were given to Indian children. The CDC dropped the OPV from its...

Mahatma Gandhi on Vaccines -1921
Download Free Copy of Gandhi's Book - A Guide to Health published 1921