“The 21st Century Cures Act” Is On Its Way – Here’s Why You Haven’t Heard About It
The 21st Century Cures Act is going through the U.S. Congress right now, and it will likely pass into law unless some opposition...

Malibu Moms to Vaccine: Take Your Shots and Shove 'em
The vaccine industry is nothing short of desperate to contain this trend. What will work? How to stop these college educated Moms from,...

Ian's Voice - a testimonial
Facebook removed Ian's photo because it didn't comply with facebook standards http://www.iansvoice.org/ Scott and I documented Ian’s life...
Exposure to mercury and aluminum in early life: developmental vulnerability as a modifying factor in
Please share and re-post as much as you can. Shocking and brillant testimony about the dangers of childhood vaccinations given to the...

I don't recommend vaccinating, Dr. Suzanne Humphries
“I don’t recommend vaccinating anyone, ever,” says Dr. Suzanne Humphries, CEO of the Maine chapter of the International Medical Council...
Never has been or will be a safe vaccine.
“Never Has There Been A Safe Vaccine. Never Will There Be A Safe Vaccine” – Dr. Suzanne Humphries http://www.collective-evolution.com/201...

No Vaccine Mandates in Canada

ReThink Vaccines
Vaccine Ingredients - Formaldehyde, Aspartame, Mercury, Etc 11-11-4 This following list of common vaccines and their ingredients...
Holistic Doctor speaks out about Vaccines
Published on Aug 9, 2015 In this interview Millie Hinkle M.D. speaks out against Vaccines, talks about the deaths of Jeff Bradstreet and...