Vaccine-Induced ADHD
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or attention deficit disorder (ADHD, ADD) affect up to 1 in 10 children in the US. The...

Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety Form
I have yet to meet a Physician that will sign this form now downloaded by hundreds of parents. The reason they won’t sign is two-fold:...
Chilling precedent being set by both the left and the right - Govt. owns your body.
Hear Paul’s comments on how the measles outbreak is being used to push for government force medication, and the US government’s extensive...

White House Petition Seeks to Ban Mandatory Vaccination Legislation. Citizens attempt to preempt law
A concerned citizen has launched a popular petition on the official White House website seeking a moratorium on legislation that may...
Vaccine Victims Tell Their Story
Watch: Despite the medical establishment’s best attempts to silence the vaccine industry’s countless victims, those affected most are...

Fraud at the CDC uncovered, 340% risk of autism hidden from public
http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1164794 A top researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr William Thompson,...
Vaccine Hazards Uncovered
An extraordinary new paper published by a courageous doctor and investigative medical researcher has dug the dirt on 30 years of secret...
Study: Is the whooping cough resurgence due to vaccinated people not knowing they’re infectious?
http://www.santafe.edu/news/item/althouse-scarpino-whooping-cough-asymptomatic/ MORE PROPAGANDA FROM A DUMB F___

Free IMMUNITY Guide With Vaccine Exemption forms!
http://thepeopleschemist.com/reasons-dont-vaccinate-children-vaccine-supporters-shouldnt-give/ Parents who choose not to vaccinate their...