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Vitamin C Antidote to all known toxins Thomas Levy, MD - VIRAL, VIRUS, BACTERIAL - plus more info. o

Helpful information for parents who do not vaccinate and for parents who do and have experienced reactions.

*Second video by Dr. Tent -

Aaron Kasparov (2976) Shared on Google+ · 4 months ago (edited)

℞: Watch all the way though, in sections if necessary. If unquestioned belief in pharmaceutical industry persists, seek mental council immediately. -Dr. AK

Vitamin C

HERE is a talk I gave in Stockholm, Sweden in 2014 that summarizes the various aspects of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is one of the safest medical wonders on the planet. The following link will show you Vitamin C’s success as published in medical literature since the 1940’s. It has been put down by the FDA and much disbelief exists within the medical community. Link to article HERE. However, I and many others have first-handedly enjoyed the nontoxic benefits of sodium ascorbate. It is important to use high enough doses and the right formulation to achieve best results.


The reason conventional medical doctors are not taught about the mechanisms of action and benefits of vitamin C in medical school, is that if they knew about it, then not only would a raft of other drugs have been unnecessary, but there would not be serious whooping cough or even deaths. Vitamin A and C would render measles really easy to treat. You’d never see meningococcal complications, because all people suspected of having it, would immediately be put on IV vitamin C and there would be no coagulopathy at all. Vitamin C antidotes DIC, the coagulopathy. The ACIP and it’s cronies wouldn’t be able to use meningococcal complications and deaths as emotional blackmail to get people to vaccinate, because people wouldn’t be scared of infections any more.

- See more at:

*Fourth video by The Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy - Vitamin C proven to help protect Fukushima victims from radiation (2012, high quality full version)

Published on Jul 6, 2012

Documentaire: beschermende werking vitamine C tegen radioactiviteit [vitamin C protective against radiation exposure] De Japanse arts/wetenschapper dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa en andere orthomoleculaire professionals geven hun commentaar op hoe vitamine C een rol had kunnen spelen bij de bescherming van de werkers in de Fukushima kerncentrale en van de bevolking. En hoe de Japanse overheid en de eigenaar van de kerncentrale het lieten afweten. A Gift from Dr. Linus Pauling 'Vitamin C is scientifically proven to protect Fukushima victims from radiation effects' Linus Pauling ontving in 1962 de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede voor zijn bijdrage in de strijd tegen nucleaire experimenten. Hij was tevens de grondlegger van de orthomoleculaire geneeskunde. Hij moet geweten hebben dat vitamine C effectief was tegen radioactieve straling. Daarom is de documentaire aan hem opgedragen. Produced by The Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy With generous support from ISOM Copyright SPIC Corporation & Medical Research 21 Inc in 2012 Redistributed by The Ortho Institute, the Netherlands with permission from Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa

*Fifth Video - New Zeland Farmer cured of Swine Flu & leukemia with V.C-

*Sixth Video - Dr. Linus Pauling on Vitamin C and Heart Disease Stanford Medical School - 27 Feb 92

*Another source for Vitamin C -

*One persons testimonial and protocol for ridding cancer with vitamin C -

*A Therapeutic Level of Vitamin C Supplementation as Employed by F .R. Klenner, M.D.

*Vitamin C sources: I would use them all if I were you.

1. Young Living Super C - Need to be referred by and sign up under someone in order to be able to purchase:

2. Young Living Citrus oils of Orange, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Lime and Lemon you pour into capsules from YL as they have not been sprayed with Sodium Lauryl Sulphate:

3. RESEARCHED NUTRITIONALS Nutritional Supplements:

MAGNESIUM is also awesome -

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