Doctors Change Names of Diseases When Vaccines Do Not Work
When vaccines do not work, the creative way to cover it up is to change the name of the disease. Doctors around the world are being faced...
Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease
"Health officials should require a two-week quarantine of all children and adults who receive vaccinations," says Sally Fallon Morell,...
Vitamin C Antidote to all known toxins Thomas Levy, MD - VIRAL, VIRUS, BACTERIAL - plus more info. o
Helpful information for parents who do not vaccinate and for parents who do and have experienced reactions. *Second video by Dr. Tent -...

Finally, The Truth Emerges About Whooping Cough Vaccine: OBs and Pediatricians, Stand Back With Your
Just this week, the New York Times published an article stating that the problem of surging whooping cough cases has more to do with...

Whooping Cough
http://video.kpbs.org/video/1699679182/ Most of the people who got whooping cough in San Diego County so far this year were up to date...