Show us the Proof! P. A. Offit for Profit. If your theory is so right, allow us to inject you with v

The only proof I will accept as true is when Offit for Profit is injected with 10,000 doses into himself. I will not believe any of this nonsense they are trying to proclaim is science. If he states it is safe for babies to have that amount then it should be no problem for someone of his size to do the same. He should jump at the chance to prove us wrong, right? Just in case they decide to not actually fill the needles with vaccine material, I would need to be right there seeing with my own eyes, what is being injected also. Because they all exempt themselves from the laws they make us follow.
69 doses of 16 vaccines that are really mixes of toxic ingredients injected directly into the human body is just outrageously ludicrous and crimminal .