Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roma
Why do we believe something? Is it because everyone else believes it? Is it because our family and community believe it? Is it because we...

Show us the Proof! P. A. Offit for Profit. If your theory is so right, allow us to inject you with v
The only proof I will accept as true is when Offit for Profit is injected with 10,000 doses into himself. I will not believe any of this...

I don't recommend vaccinating, Dr. Suzanne Humphries
“I don’t recommend vaccinating anyone, ever,” says Dr. Suzanne Humphries, CEO of the Maine chapter of the International Medical Council...
Never has been or will be a safe vaccine.
“Never Has There Been A Safe Vaccine. Never Will There Be A Safe Vaccine” – Dr. Suzanne Humphries http://www.collective-evolution.com/201...

Doctors Against Vaccines
http://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com/doctors-against-vaccines-hear-from-those-who-have-done-the-research Doctors Against Vaccines –...