Have Pharmaceutical Companies Corrupted Science and Government?
Dr. Robert J. Rowen February 2 · Edited · VACCINES - REAL PAUSE FOR THOUGHT It appears that posting my thoughts on vaccines on my own...
Measles, Back In The Days Before The Marketing Of The Vaccine
My how things have changed! This video shows how people responded to the measles back in the 50's and 60's. Please take a moment to watch...
Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease
"Health officials should require a two-week quarantine of all children and adults who receive vaccinations," says Sally Fallon Morell,...
Weaponized Food and How to Reclaim our Food. We are Creating an Army of Warriors. The Internet is Ou
AZK III - "Codex Alimentarius" Watch this today. www.GlobalHealthFreedom.org www.NaturalSolutions.org

Study Shows Influenza Vaccines Cause Spontaneous Abortions and Stillbirths – PreventDisease.com
A comparison of fetal-loss reports in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) during three consecutive influenza seasons...
Besieged by Guilt: Ex-Pharmaceutical Employees Speak Out Against the Industry
1/ Dr. Peter Rost, Former Vice President of Pfizer 2/ Dr. John Rengen Virapen, Eli Lilly & Co. and Dr. Rima E. Laibow 3/ Kathleen...

The Amish Don't Get Autism, But they Also Don't Vaccinate
People outside the alternative health community are often confused by the lack of autism in the Amish people. The Amish do not experience...
Very Important to watch and understand: The ACT of 1871 formed the corporation called THE UNITED STA
THE UNITED STATES became a for-profit foreign private corporation like Ford, Microsoft or Walmart. It is no longer a country....

Vaccine Economics – Lots of Money, Lies, and Politics
Imagine if you had a product to sell that didn’t require advertising or marketing, but the majority of people thought they had to have...