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Dr. Robert J. Rowen

February 2 · Edited ·


It appears that posting my thoughts on vaccines on my own page here touched a nerve in many people, enough to hurl nasty personal attacks against me. That's an old tactic amongst those who would go to all lengths protect their turf: “if you can’t assail the information, then destroy the presenter/source.” Socrates addressed it.

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” Years ago, in Alaska, I presented a third party dissertation on mercury amalgam dental toxicity to a huge joint meeting of doctors and dentists who had expected me to be destroyed in a debate with an imported professional “quackbuster”. They were floored by the irrefutable information I presented. I was told his presentation was an embarrassment.

The Quackbuster (now dead from vascular disease (he called chelation quackery, which now, 20 years later, is proven NOT to be quackery)) later resorted to hurling diatribes at the author of the treatise, slandering him. Realize, had the British won the Revolutionary war, Washington and Jefferson would have been hung for felony treason, and the history books would be far different than they are today. Yet these “criminals” are revered as great heroes today for ultimately prevailing.

Yes, I stated that I fear we are brewing a whole generation of immune cripples in exchange for saving a few lives with vaccines. I stand by that. Immune problems run the gamut from skin problems to neurological problems. Let’s look at some statistics.

Eczema affected about 5.1% of children born in 1946. By 1970, the prevalence rose to 12.2%. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis is up SIGNIFICANTLY (Rheumatology (2001) 40 (8): 928-932) over the mast many years. The CDC has admitted that asthma, now affecting 1 in 12 Americans, is up 12.2% in the last decade. (Medscape 5-11). And what about the biggest one of all? Autism and related disorders? When I was a child we had NEVER heard of the term. In 1970, it was 1 in 5,000. By 1990 it was about 1 in 110, and today, may be as high as 1 in 50. Hello out there! Is anyone watching???

Inflammatory bowel disease, a horrible condition, has also been increasing with time (Dig Dis Sci. 2013 Feb; 58(2): 519–525)

I enjoy controversy, but let’s not get personal on this page, please. And, if you want to hit me with a personal insult, please do it face to face. May we be respectful here? In 1491, many people were burned at the stake for suggesting that the world was round. I see a repeating pattern on my page here amongst the name callers. It is not right, and it defies decency, respect and logic.


Let’s go to logic now. Yes, there is undoubtedly, and mainstream accepted, a storm of immune dysfunction EXPLODING in our youth. (As mentioned: asthma, eczema, arthritis and EXPLOSION of autism). Will the naysayers step up and deny this is immune dysfunction? So the next step in logic is to consider why this is happening. What of the known deaths and neurological damage from the now debunked Gardisil vaccine? Clearly vaccines can cause damage.

We know that vaccines produce highly imperfect immunity (evidence: measles infections amongst those fully vaccinated). We also know that some childhood diseases can be quite nasty (like measles), and I agree, we’d like to avoid such damage. But we also know that children DO require immune system challenges, like germ exposure, to exercise and develop their immune systems. There are credible theories that denying them this exposure denies proper maturation of their immune systems. Rather than take a lot of space here, I’ll direct you to Wikipedia. I don’t care for their often-biased support of conventional medicine, but considering their bent, Wiki information on the “hygiene hypothesis” should cause you pause for thought:

“King et al. 2004 showed that when short lived T cells were replaced during a state of too few long lived T-cells (memory T cell), because of lack of infections, the risk of developing autoimmune diseases increases [leading to] a greater risk of autoimmune diseases like type I diabetes or multiple sclerosis.[45] Cooke showed that NOD mice (which spontaneously develop type 1 diabetes) had significantly reduced incidence of this disease when infected with the helminth parasite Schistosoma mansoni.[citation needed] Other animal models also showed that helminth [intestinal worms] infections block or treat various chronic inflammatory disorders were comprehensively reviewed recently.[28] In November 2009 showed that Staphylococci helped reduce inflammation.[46][47] Early life exposure to specific microbe-enriched environments decreases susceptibility to diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and asthma, whereas its absence, as in antibiotic treatment during childhood, may have the opposite effect. Olszak and colleagues,[48] compared germ-free mice and specific-pathogen-free mice, challenged with aerosol ovoalbumin to promote allergen-induced airway inflammation. They found that early exposure to conventional microbiota protected animals from developing asthma.”

In today’s world, scientists are actually infecting people with pig whipworm parasites to modulate their abnormal immune systems. Infection is a necessary part of life!

Dr Michel Odent at The Primal Health research centre in London published a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association showing how the whooping cough vaccine increases the incidence of asthma by 5 to 6 times in those vaccinated compared to those unvaccinated. It appears as though the vaccine creates a chronic lung weakness in the form of asthma, whereas children that have been allowed to overcome whooping cough naturally may be strengthened in this area.

Medicine needs to observe a procedure’s total affect on the health of people, over a sufficiently long period of time. And in this case, it is MULTIPLE procedures. Healthy individuals may not have symptoms of illness or fever, but they are capable of producing a significantly raised temperature under certain conditions i.e. a fever. It is a very necessary response when dealing with an infection. It is much worse for an individual unable to produce a fever when needed than to be healthy without a fever. Yet those two people, in vastly different states of health, do not have fever. (Death rates increase in patients who are less able to mount a sufficiently high fever in response to infections (American Journal of Medicine. 68:344-355, 1980)).

Similarly, by eradicating measles (like not getting a fever in the example above) with vaccination we are not necessarily creating healthy individuals. We might be suppressing symptoms and producing individuals incapable of producing certain types of inflammatory reactions. Any response to the question of the benefit of eradicating measles does not take this into account. It is not necessarily the case that an individual without certain disease symptomology is necessarily healthier, or will be healthier, than an individual with those symptoms.

Finally, in a study not really well done, the authors noted a “weak protective effect of childhood infections” [on immune function] and they admitted the shortcomings of the study. (Lancet June 29, 1996). However, I’ll ask the naysayers if they have ever given their children antibiotics. Here’s why. This last report noted: “While we found at most a weak protective effect of childhood infections, we found an approximately twofold increased risk of asthma, and to a lesser extent hay fever and eczema, at age 6–7 years in children whose parents reported that they had used antibiotics in the first year of life. Our findings are generally consistent with other evidence that antibiotic use in the first year of life increases the subsequent risk of asthma,.”

Folks, let’s be fair on this page. I challenge every naysayer about vaccine dangers to step up and claim he/she has not fed their children with antibiotics in the first year of life. There might be some, but not all!

We have recently entered a world of science called epigenetics, the science of what turns off and on genes. Each person has a different set of vulnerabilities here. That is why we can’t get a good study on the effects of vaccines/environmental agents on the general population. If you don’t have adequate detox genes, you could get taken out by something that wouldn’t faze your more resistant neighbor. There’s just no way to account for this. The series of vaccines with which one child skates by safely just might be the tipping point for another. This is near impossible to determine in advance.

Part III - Closing logic

I’ll close with this logic. One part per billion of a chemical might not cause you any harm. So Big Chema can study one chemical at a time for toxicity and not discover significant harm. But how about 4,000 different chemicals mixed in your body’s cellular soup? No one is studying this. But our aquatic life is experiencing these effects with altered sexual organs, and none of the pundits even attempts to connect the dots with what’s happening to our own kids. How do they know that the 200 or so chemicals that can now be measured in umbilical cord blood at birth (Scientific American December 2, 2009) does not amplify the toxic effects of vaccines, and skew the data so that we cannot tell what poison is doing what? In other words, perhaps the other poisons in the environment are responsible for 90% of the increase in childhood immune diseases and autism problems. If vaccines were only adding say 5% more complications, you’d likely not be able to determine a vaccine effect at all in a casual study, but, it’s still there!

Again, no one is looking at the cumulative effects of scores of foreign antigens and chemicals injected into our youth. Until they do, I’m NOT for vaccines, in general, though I personally admit I have a soft spot for the polio vaccine. (However, I believe polio would be well treated with oxidation and vitamin C).

Point is, the all cause morbidity (injury) and mortality should be studied in 2 large populations, say, 10,000 each, one “fully” vaccinated, and one not vaccinated at all, to determine the truth. Until that is done, fair controversy exists. Absent such a study , NO ONE can make a claim of safety, and no one should be name calling.

The purveyors of vaccines continue to tell us “there is no evidence, blah, blah, blah.” Well, for decades after the introduction of DDT there was no evidence that it was destroying bird eggs, decimating populations like the California condor. Someone had to go looking.

Everything in life involves risk. I know the odds on a craps table. And I’ve studied the odds on vaccines and wild infection. I sooner take my chances with wild virus and an infection I believe I could very easily and safely treat with oxidation therapy, vitamin A and/or or vitamin C than risk my child incur damage next to impossible to repair or deny his/her immune system the challenge it will need for a robust immune system. To me, the very small risk of a complication pales besides the rather high risk of the dice rolling out a lifetime of horror with autism, asthma, eczema, arthritis, etc.

I close with this caveat for this page. I want this page to openly and honorably discuss divergent views for the education of us all, with dignity and respect for the divergent views. I will respectfully request an apology from those violating those guidelines and who've resorted to name calling or worse. Or, I’ll take the liberty of removing your posts and bar you from the site. In other words, I openly welcome any attacks on my information and science. That is fair, and I can and will take it, and welcome it, as well as support for my comments. But I add: don’t attack me or anyone else, on either side of the aisle, personally. That is a blow below the belt, and is not fair. It also disgraces the attacker.


I will propose a solution to this problem based on logic in the next week. Please "LIKE" the page so that you'll see it when it comes out. I will appreciate your input on my resolution analysis.

Cassandra S. Dunn YOU GO DR ROWEN! As a nurse for over 20 years, I read the inserts that come with vaccines. They even say that they are filled with toxins and are not effective, nor are there any long term studies! I take care of many with vaccine injuries. My Grandson was severely injured from MMR. To this day he cannot poop, talk, autistic and is in a diaper. Johns Hopkins saw him and put in writing "Vaccine Injury". There is NO safe or effective vaccine. It is damaging our immune systems and effecting fertility. The SV-40 virus was in vaccines, causes cancer,,, I could go on and on!

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