SB792 mandates SEVEN vaccines – TDap, MMR and Flu – for ALL daycare and preschool workers, including head start, early childhood centers, private school nurseries, and after school programs – WITHOUT personal belief exemptions as a condition of employment. On September 4, 2015, bill author Senator Mendoza added a last minute amendment expanding this vaccine mandate to now include parents who volunteer at their children’s daycare facilities including State licensed home based daycare. Pre-schools and even parent co-ops if monies are exchanged will not be exempt from SB792. This new mandate would also apply to head start, early childhood centers and private school nurseries, and after school programs. If you are a parent or grandparent who wants to volunteer your time, talents and skills to benefit your children and their classmates educational experience, you will have to roll up your sleeve or be denied access.
The original bill included the full CDC Adult Vaccine Schedule. During the legislative process the mandates were reduced to SEVEN vaccines. You cannot get the pertussis (whopping cough) or measles vaccines in single antigen doses.
You have to get the Dtap, or Tdap (3 vaccines in 1 shot), and the MMR (again, 3 vaccines in 1 shot). They are in effect mandating SEVEN vaccines. Tell your reps the TRUTH!
NO ONE should be forced to receive medical injections that come with risks of injury and death as a condition of employment or business license! No one should be force injected to have access to their child’s classroom.
- See more at: http://vaccineimpact.com/2015/adult-vaccine-mandate-targets-parents/#sthash.CXIbJf5g.dpuf