CDC trying to pit parent against parent.
My child got chicken pox from a viral-shedding, recently vaccinated kid and guess what, they still hang out together at playgroup. I didn’t stick a #ForgotToQuarentineMyChildPostVax sticker on her mom’s back and she didn’t slap a #DANGERParentofanUnvaccinatedChild on mine. Why? Because we are rational, mature, adults.
I recognize that she thought she was doing what was best for her kids. (Her husband is a physician exercising a delayed schedule, so I couldn’t be too hard on her.) She recognizes I’m doing what I feel is best for mine (as my husband is a physician exercising no schedule). To me, we’re on the same team because both of our educated decisions stemmed from a desire to keep our children healthy, we’re friends, and the vaccination status of our children won’t change that.