The Vaccination Notice
The Vaccination Notice will be an education for all parties involved.
Most folks don't understand that the public health department, the CDC and the state are all corporations. Basically Our Government is a Corporation.
Most folks don't know their physician gets more money for vaccinating ALL children in his/her practice.
Most folks don't know that all those manufacturing or administering vaccines have been granted immunity from lawsuits.
Most folks don't know that by refusing to give the parent/guardian the package insert the parent is kept unaware of the real health risks associated with vaccines.
THE VACCINATION NOTICE (Check out the DO NOT SIGN page it you've been asked to sign a vaccine refusal form.) Found here:'Refusal+to+Vaccinate'+Form!! May 23, 2014Updated August 7, 2015 The following is not legal advice. It is merely sharing ideas, understandings and suggestions regarding ways of dealing with vaccine recommendations by the CDC and vaccine mandates by the STATE corporation. It is time to place our position regarding vaccines on the record (and in the record) for the physician and the school system. The physician needs to have your notice regarding vaccines on file. This also protects him or her from the vaccination-business police (like public health employees) who monitor patient records. This notice is designed to inform your doctor or your child's school of the reasons you are opposed to their administering vaccines to your child and make it perfectly clear that you are only willing to consent 'conditionally'. Consent is assumed unless non-consent is recorded. The reasons listed on the notice are easy to validate. As the conditions the notice defines will not likely be met by either the parent, the doctor or the nurse . . . in actuality it becomes a notice of non-consent. The Vaccination Notice will be an education for all parties involved.
Most folks don't understand that the public health department, the CDC and the state are all corporations. Basically Our Government is a Corporation.
Most folks don't know their physician gets more money for vaccinating ALL children in his/her practice.
Most folks don't know that all those manufacturing or administering vaccines have been granted immunity from lawsuits.
Most folks don't know that by refusing to give the parent/guardian the package insert the parent is kept unaware of the real health risks associated with vaccines.
These facts are stated on the vaccine notice. Notices are used by many for many purposes. According to the concept of notice is critical to the integrity of legal proceedings. Due process requires that legal action cannot be taken against anyone unless the requirements of notice and an opportunity to be heard are observed.This notice will stand irregardless of the myriad of vaccine mandates the untrained legislators decide to pass via statutes in the future. Be sure to keep a copy for your own records and note the date it was presented, and the party it was presented to!!IMPLEMENTATION OF THE "NOTICE"The vaccination notice is designed to inform your doctor, hospital or school of the reasons you are opposed to their administering vaccines to your child and that you do not consent. See Notice The reasons listed on the notice are easy to validate. This approach should help put an end to the endless pressure that pediatricians and school personnel inflict on vaccine-aware parents.FILLING OUT THE "NOTICE"
Items in grey need to be personalized.
Select son or daughter as applicable.
Corporate entities need to be in all caps.
The health department of each state is listed in its corporate name in all caps on Dun and Bradstreet. This information is accessible for free online.
At the bottom of the notice is a space for the parent's signature and the signature of two witnesses. Of course the dates need to be identical. An acceptable alternative to two witnesses would be to sign in front of a notary and have them stamp it for you. Use blue ink for signatures.
DELIVERING THE NOTICEThis notice requires little discussion. Just hand it to the nurse, doctor or clerk, or attach it to the Refusal to Vaccinate or the PERSONAL BELIEFS EXEMPTION TO REQUIRED IMMUNIZATIONS forms[1]. Politely explain that you are not comfortable with the vaccine risks and wish to have this notice placed in the child's records so you don't have to bring in a new one each time your child sees the doctor or nurse. If asked where you obtained the document, simply say from another parent, which is true. Giving more information is not required and is not advisable. Citing websites or vaccine aware organizations just motivates those in the vaccination-distribution-business to track down and discredit folks that are doing their best to bring good information to the public.Do not answer detailed questions about your objections to any vaccine or the source of your information. Just repeat what is on the notice; "I am aware of multiple scientific peer-reviewed papers that have exposed the dangers of many vaccines." Doctors and nurses are well armed with 'talking points' designed to overcome all claims you might make regarding vaccines and nearly all authors you might site. According to Russell Blaylock, MD there are lots of peer-reviewed articles on this topic for doctors and nurses to read. It is their job to seek this information. It is not your job to provide it to them. The notice just states facts and is designed to be self-explanatory.Should the clerk, doctor, or nurse refuse to accept your notice, politely explain that their decision to accept your notice as the "agent" is not optional as it is directed to the "principal' as well. Keep a copy for yourself and write the name of the agent, his/her position and the date on the bottom of your notice. Save the notice for your records. If there is too much resistance to placing the notice in your child's records, send it certified mail to the physician, hospital administrator or superintendent of schools.[1] The only info the parent should provide on these forms is name of the child and "see attached addendum". (Sample) Anything more can be used against the parent AND the doctor, as these forms are designed to be tracked.
Download the LAWFULLY YOURS pdf guide posted at the bottom of this page () (the instructions start on page 30), and the Word Doc templates for Vaccination Notices are linked right below it. Select the one(s) you wish to use.