Inoculations Are The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction
taap.info taap.info Inoculations Are The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction The basic truth that served as the foundation for the...

A Distraught Grandfather Gives warning to mothers....
Vaccination Information Network (VINE) This boy's grandfather, who posted me these photos, posted the following comment on youtube: "MY...
New Evidence Supports Dr. Wakefield's MMR Vaccine Study
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/01/24/new-evidence-refutes-fraud-findings-in-dr-wakefield-case.aspx New Evidence...
SB277 CA Assembly Health Committee Opposition Testimony June 9 2015
PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO in opposition of SB277. Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC in opposition - is awesome. Plus other opposers to SB277
Measles, Back In The Days Before The Marketing Of The Vaccine
My how things have changed! This video shows how people responded to the measles back in the 50's and 60's. Please take a moment to watch...
Dr Andrew Wakefield tells his side of the story in the MMR Vaccine causes Autism debate
In an appearance at Brave New Books, Dr. Andrew Wakefield is finally given a chance to defend his research into Autism and the MMR...