Vijay Sarma interviews Dr. Shiv Chopra author of 'Corrupt to the Core'
Before you get any vaccine, have whoever is administering it complete this Warranty of Vaccine Safety form for Doctors to sign....
SB277 CA Assembly Health Committee Opposition Testimony June 9 2015
PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO in opposition of SB277. Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC in opposition - is awesome. Plus other opposers to SB277
Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease
"Health officials should require a two-week quarantine of all children and adults who receive vaccinations," says Sally Fallon Morell,...

Study Shows Influenza Vaccines Cause Spontaneous Abortions and Stillbirths –
A comparison of fetal-loss reports in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) during three consecutive influenza seasons...
Italy Banks Flu Shot
Dr. Oz No Flu Shots For My Kids!
Let's do what Dr. Oz's wife does rather than what he says. No vaccines for our kids.

Johns Hopkins Scientist Questions Value of Influenza Vaccinations
The International Business Times has highlighted a scathing report written by Dr. Peter Doshi of Johns Hopkins University’s School of...