CDC admits 98 million Americans were given cancer virus via the polio shot

Vaccine Rights Lawyer
Hemp Oil Cures Cancer and more natural cures
No wonder hemp has been made illegal. Big pHARMa doesn't want you to have it because then you won't pay them. Published on Feb 15, 2014...

Don't fight in the physical realm, change grounds like an eagle.
An eagle does not fight a snake on the ground. It picks it up and changes grounds, then releases it back to the ground. A snake has no...

Ingredients of Vaccines - Fact Sheet
Rabies vaccine has human DNA cells Ingredients of Vaccines - Fact Sheet What You Should Know Additional Facts What You Can Do For More...
CAVA Voicemail Misleads, Misinforms, and fails to mention exemptions as compliance.
I received this phone call today September 3 at approximately noon from California Virtual Academy regarding my 7th grade daughter. CAVA...
We The People Hereby Fire The Corrupt Govt. of THE UNITED STATES
This vaccine debate is about taking away our freedom of medical choice for all Americans and the entire world population. If you believe...